Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I'm Back

I haven't been on here in a very long time. I didn't just fall off the wagon... I crashed!! I am in Weight Watchers and at my last weigh in I weighed the most I have ever weighed in my life!! 275 lbs!! I am so discusted with myself. Enough is enough! I want to break free of this hell that I've been in for most of my life. I'm starting back at day 1. Here I go... wish me luck!!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Where's The Wagon?

Today I was going to do so good... boy was I wrong! What is with me? Seems like I've fallen off the wagon just as I got on. Hmmm... weigh in is tomorrow so, since this week was very bad I guess I'm starting tomorrow with a clean slate. All my Weight Watchers points will be reset and I can begin all over. My birthday is April 5th and I'm hoping to lose at least 10 lbs by then. I know I can do it!

So, to get back on this wagon I'm going to drink all my water. That's 10 cups. I'm going to do at least 20 minutes of some type of cardio. If I'm not sore from my RA I will try my treadmill. I love walking! Oh and I just remembered I bought some WATP dvd's! Those are pretty fun. I will also only eat my daily points... no dipping into my weekly ones. I know I can do all that... sounds easy eh? We shall see.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Evil Pizza

My weigh in is on Friday so I have tonight and tomorrow to work off all this pizza I just ate. Why do we eat things that we know are bad for us? Because they taste good? Well, I have learned my lesson. It's ok to eat the foods we love but in moderation. I just ate 4 peices from Papa John's. I can't believe I did that.

My husband and I went to see a loans officer today to see if we could get a loan for a 2009 Hyundai Tucson. He said we have perfect credit and everything was great except that we only had our credit cards for a year now and we would of been approved if we had it for around 2 years. I was so bummed. I think that was part of my pizza problem.

I joined Weight Watcher's online. I'm loving it so far except this week. I guess I was just not with it. I'm really going to stay in my daily points tomorrow. No cheating!! I know I can do this I have to believe in myself. I deserve to live the skinny life not the fat life that I've had for so long.